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GivEnergy batteries

Are GivEnergy batteries compatible with third-party kit? 

GivEnergy batteries work best as part of a comprehensive setup of green technologies.  

Your home setup could include: 

… the list goes on.  

Installing green technologies can help you cut energy bills and carbon emissions.  

However, with so many different technologies out there, it begs the question of whether you can integrate GivEnergy batteries with third-party kit.  

Here, we bring you the answers.  

What do we mean by GivEnergy batteries?

A GivEnergy battery (or batteries, depending on your setup) operates as part of a GivEnergy system.

A GivEnergy system also requires a battery inverter – the brains of your system converting direct current (DC) electricity into usable alternating current (AC) electricity.

(This could be an AC coupled or a Hybrid inverter, depending on your needs.) 

The GivEnergy All in One, as the name suggests, contains both the above in one unit.  

Can you mix and match GivEnergy batteries with third-party battery inverters, and vice versa?  


For one thing, this will void your 12-year warranty.  

Moreover, we can’t be sure whether this setup will work.  

So, just don’t do it!  

GivEnergy batteries need GivEnergy battery inverters.  

However, as you’ll read below, a complete GivEnergy system is compatible with third-party kit.

GivEnergy systems and third-party kit

We want to empower energy freedom for all.  

With this in mind, we’ve made it so that GivEnergy systems play nicely with equipment from other manufacturers.  

Let’s delve into some examples of how you can do this…  

… and look at where exclusively using GivEnergy kit is the better option.  

Solar PV 

As a scalable and affordable option for generating renewables, it’s no surprise that home solar is booming.  

While solar PV panels can generate energy by themselves, a lot of energy is wasted without battery storage.  

Alongside battery storage, a solar setup also needs… solar PV panels!  

As GivEnergy does not manufacture panels, combining GivEnergy systems with third-party kit is a necessity in this case.  

Other renewables 

While solar PV remains the most popular choice for home renewables, there are a few other options for those who have the means.  

These include: 

  • Wind turbine for home 
  • Hydro generator (from a water source, such as a river, stream, etc.) 

GivEnergy systems are compatible with both of the above.  

Like with solar panels, we haven’t quite got round to manufacturing wind turbines or hydro generators just yet. So, this is another case where we’d say combining with third-party kit is a necessity.  

EV chargers  

A GivEnergy EV charger is perfect for charging your electric vehicle on cheap and renewable electricity.  

EV charging

The ideal setup includes GivEnergy batteries, solar PV panels, and an EV charger.  

What about using a GivEnergy EV charger with third-party kit? 

The GivEnergy EV charger is compatible with third-party kit, including third-party battery systems.  

However, we’d recommend combining a GivEnergy EV charger with a GivEnergy system.  

That’s because third-party systems aren’t designed to work with GivEnergy software. So, you won’t get all the slick portal integrations and advanced automations that you would get with a GivEnergy system.  

What about a third-party EV charger with GivEnergy systems?  

The same logic applies.  

You can use GivEnergy systems with a third-party EV charger.  

However, for the smoothest possible compatibility, we recommend GivEnergy systems plus a GivEnergy EV charger.  


Sustainable heating solutions are on the rise, notably heat pumps.  

While ground source heat pumps and water source heat pumps are options, ASHPs tend to be the most common type of heat pump installation.  

Air source heat pump

If you’re not clued up on how ASHPs work, here’s a basic breakdown.  

Traditional boilers heat properties by burning gas. Burning gas results in carbon emissions.  

On the other hand, ASHPs are carbon-free. They provide heating through a combination of air drawn from outside and electricity.  

In mild weather, ASHPs can run at 330-430% efficiency – producing 3-4kWh of heat for every kWh of electricity input.  

In colder weather, this may drop to 230-310%.  

Can you run an ASHP on a home battery? 


In fact, you could say it’s recommended, especially with solar.  

Research by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems in Germany found that solar PV and battery storage can reduce the amount of electricity drawn from the grid to run a heat pump.  

So, ASHPs are absolutely compatible with GivEnergy systems.  

As with solar panels, GivEnergy doesn’t manufacture heat pumps. That means combining GivEnergy systems with third-party kit is a necessity in this case. 


An ASHP will reduce your carbon emissions. It could even eliminate your gas bills, depending on your setup.  

However, remember that an ASHP will add to your electricity usage.  

With this in mind, make sure to do your research about what size battery you need to power an ASHP.  

Combining GivEnergy systems with third-party kit: yay or nay?  

As there is certain green tech which GivEnergy doesn’t manufacture, combining GivEnergy systems with third-party kit is necessary in some cases.  

Want solar? You’ll need solar PV panels (from a third-party manufacturer).  

Want to add an ASHP to your setup? You’ll need… an ASHP (from a third-party manufacturer).  

In other cases, we’d say use GivEnergy products wherever possible.  

This applies especially to EV chargers. 

Just FYI…  

… we’re not just saying this because we’re biased. We’re also saying this because you can manage GivEnergy kit through the app or portal – something you can’t do with third-party kit.  

Moreover, third-party kit won’t receive the relevant updates you’ll get from GivEnergy.  

All this being said, it’s ultimately up to you how you setup and run green tech in your home.  

Just make sure to do your research beforehand to avoid any nasty surprises along the way.  

And remember, all GivEnergy installations MUST be carried out by an approved installer.  

Ready to start your journey?

If you want to get started on your journey towards energy freedom, click here to find out what kind of setup is best for you. 

Further reading